Anonymous & introspective questions posed by our readers and answered by Abbey, our Spiritual Guide here at Boundless.

March 1, 2021

Dear Abbey,

Just like everyone else, I spent this past year in isolation. I know the weight this pandemic has had on most of the population. I was so fortunate to have many positive takeaways mixed in with the struggles. This year transformed me. During this time, I found new meaning in my life. I have worked through many shadow aspects of myself. I developed greatly in multiple areas, but above all, spiritually. I feel like I've blossomed. I know myself on a deeper level than I thought possible. I feel like a completely different person than when I went into this pandemic... as if some of those closest to me wouldn't know me anymore. With this shift in the season and the loosening restrictions of COVID, I feel like this spring and summer is my debut (in a mask, of course). I get to introduce my new self to the world. I want to put myself out there and meet new people, have new experiences, engage in more productive conversations based around my spiritual values and philosophies and get to know my community in a new way. I am both excited and nervous. I know I am ready, but the thought still scares me a bit. Do you have any advice for this newly transformed butterfly?

Baby Butterfly

Boundless_butterfly (1).jpg

Dear Baby Butterfly,

Thank you so much for sharing your story, and I do believe congratulations are in order! It is inspiring to hear about your adventure during these times. I know many people share a similar experience. As the Schumann Resonance raises its vibration, our energy frequency is shifting as well. Entering into the Age of Aquarius means more spiritual awakenings take place since astrologically we are embracing a foundational shift in human consciousness.

It is a beautiful thing that you could use this time of introspection to your advantage in such a powerful way. You must be a philosopher at heart like myself - a deep thinker, self-reflective and willing to embrace humility. I'm sure you have done much work on developing your intuition and connecting to your higher self. This work is going to come in handy these next few months. That is because...

All the tools you need are already inside of you.

Trust your guides, follow your intuition and open your heart to the world. During this debut, observe the world through the lens of love. Every experience out there can be used to your advantage. Be prepared to make mistakes, to feel embarrassed or unsure at times. These uncomfortable moments are part of the beauty of life. They make us human.

Observe how you feel around different people. What do you take on and what do you give off? This debut functions as a sort of experiment in all these ways, so much to observe and learn.

I have a sense that you are about to catapult forward on your path and mission in life. Don't be scared! This is all for the good. As I said, you have all the tools you need, and you are only going to gain more. What an exciting time, embrace it! Run with it!

Follow your heart, lead with love.

Some people may not respond well to this "new you.” They may be people who once formed your inner circle. Their reaction is a gift in a way. They show their true colors as you show yours. We cannot fault them for not embracing you or you would be doing the same thing to them. There is no judgement here. Take the time you need to grieve any losses and continue on. This does not take away from you at all.

Lastly, every debut needs a great outfit! Might I recommend putting together some fantastic new ensembles to celebrate the new you. Or perhaps carry around a token dear to your heart that will be the symbol for this new-found power and strength. Let it bring awareness every time you hold it. Luxuriate in a spa day at home and reward the body / mind / and spirit for this new transformation. Treat yourself in whatever way suits you. Celebrate! You earned it.

Love & Light,


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Your anonymous inquiry may be answered in the next Boundless Bulletin so stay tuned!


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