Image curtsey of Unsplash, by @andersonrian_

Image curtsey of Unsplash, by @andersonrian_

Congratulations, you made it! This Full Moon marks the end of a year that needs no introduction.

2020 was BONKERS.

I have been reflecting on this past year and the significance it holds for all of us and I would love to share my insights.

The Wolf Moon


This Full Moon, also known as the Wolf Moon, Ice Moon or Cold Moon, is an emotionally stimulated time for everyone whether we pay attention to astrology or not. The moon pulls our emotions like the tide. Compounded with this, is the fact that we are at the end of a very significant year. 2020 was triggering to say the least. No one will leave this year the same as we were when we entered. It was traumatic in many respects and we need to acknowledge the emotions that this year stirred within us. Everyone lost something: a loved one, a job, our security, our sanity…

The Moon is in Cancer at this stage of the lunar cycle. Cancer’s ruling entity is the Moon, which doubles the emotional Moon energy. To top it off, Cancer is a water sign - the most sensitive of the elemental signs. All these details point to an emotional upheaval that we must allow ourselves to process while giving the space and time to honor our emotions.

What better time than during the culmination of all these emotion-based elements at the cusp of 2021? Here and now is when we can gain insights to all the changes that took place, allow ourselves to grieve our losses, commend our development, and grow from these experiences.

And then there was Chiron…


Yet another significant detail of the current astrological events is the Sun and Moon in T-sqaure to Chiron. Known as the Wounded Healer, Chiron is a comet orbiting the Sun. It symbolizes our deepest held wounds. The memories, experiences, traumas that shape our personality, guide our habits, and mold our fears. When Chiron is drifting in our sky, it presents a time to heal old wounds. To do so, we must reflect back on what caused them. This is a time for Shadow work.

The Earth’s energy is shifting into the age of Aquarius. This means that many are embracing their higher self, experiencing spiritual awakenings, studying their own self-mastery. It is a time to focus more on the unseen elements that supply us with drive and passion.

The Schumann Resonance is increasing in vibration (that is the Earth’s natural pulse). We just experienced the Great Conjunction & Mutation, bringing us further into Aquarius. There are many other signs and symbols. You can learn more in my last post, Capricorn Season And The Great Mutation & Conjunction, or check out Pam Gregory’s latest YouTube video on the Cancer Full Moon.

To stay attune to these shifts in consciousness and prepare for the New Year, let us ritualize this Full Moon. Here we will focus our energy on reflection of past, clarity of present, intention setting and manifesting future visions for 2021.

Let us begin…

Wolf Moon Ritual of 2020


Welcoming a New Year

Step One : PLAN

Plan ahead for an hour or an afternoon to devote to this practice. Map it on your calendar and move throughout the week gathering your thoughts and intentions for this sacred time. When the time comes, set your space.


Setting sacred space amplifies your intention and energy surrounding the ritual. This isn’t a moment like any other. This moment is sacred, so to honor it we add meaning and value. Try a number of ideas from our list provided below.

This may feel silly, but the more you set your sacred space, the more natural this vibe will become. In time it will feel easy and natural to you. This is a safe space. There is no room for judgement. Open your heart and your mind with love & light.

  • Bathe in a hot bath to cleanse your energy.

  • Meditate.

  • Purify your space with incense, resin, or smudge stick.

  • Light candles.

  • Call upon the deity or energy being of your choice.

  • Summon your own light to amplify and radiate your intentions during this time.

  • Harness the elements of nature or the four directions.

  • Visualize a bubble of white light surrounding you and your sacred space.

Step 3 : REFLECT

If you keep a journal, read over the pages from 2020. I recently came across an old journal when I was looking for some scrap paper to write on. Flip through your planner from the past year. Read over any interesting notes you took, emails you sent. However you can connect yourself to what you experienced during 2020.

Did anything surprise you while reflecting on the past year? Maybe an experience or strong feeling you forgot about. Can you recognize personal growth or development within yourself? Maybe certain themes like communication or positive outlook were difficult to handle at the start of the year, but now a little easier. Acknowledge the changes you have made from within.

journal reflections.jpeg

Step Four : CLARITY

Begin with some empty pages in the journal you plan on keeping throughout 2021. Here are some journal prompts to guide you in your reflections of 2020. Use them to acknowledge your feelings over what has taken place, add clarity to your sense of self, and set your intentions for 2021.


Reflecting on 2020

  • What were the greatest moments?

  • What emotions did you feel strongest?

  • What experiences held the most meaning for you?

  • What did you learn about yourself?

  • What talents did you discover or cultivate?

  • How did you uplift the people around you?

  • How did you express yourself creatively?

  • Who were your greatest mentors and teachers and what did you learn from them?

  • How did you make an impact on your environment?

  • Did you observe any unhealthy habits or patterns that you would like to break?

  • What challenges did you face in 2020?

  • After acknowledging and processing these challenges, can you identify a silver lining or moment of peace or beauty within the chaos?

  • Can you name a positive theme that ran throughout 2020? Maybe it’s a meaningful word or phrase that you heard repeatedly.


Looking ahead to 2021

  • What are some healthy habits that you would like to incorporate in the new year?

  • What areas of your life do you want to grow and develop ?

  • How do you want to express yourself?

  • How do you want others to perceive you?

  • How do you want to feel by this time next year in the following areas of your life?

  1. Professionally

  2. Financially

  3. Emotionally

  4. Physically

  5. Socially

  6. Spiritually

  7. Creatively

  8. Environmentally

  • Define 3 flexible goals for yourself that are based on your above answers.

  • If you could choose the positive theme or influence for 2021, what would it be?

  • Finally, what loose ends can you tie up now so that you start 2021 with a clean slate?

    • Perhaps there’s an overdue conversation that’s been weighing you down. Maybe you feel you need to reach out to someone who has been on your mind. Finish those tasks that have been dragging along on your to-do list… It is time.


Thank yourself for giving your heart the space to be open and free. Thank yourself for your honesty and vulnerability. Make a promise to continue reflecting and expressing. Close the circle of light you formed within your sacred space. Thank the energies you invited and acknowledged.


Remember, this will be your year!

At this moment, the year holds infinite possibilities and you are the master of your Self!

You are worth it!

Share your findings and feedback from this ritual in the comments. We truly love to hear from you!

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DREAMER Goal-Setting Ritual


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