Harvest Table 2020

Intentional Cycles

Here at Boundless, we practice Intentional Cycles. We observe the natural cycles that our body, mind, & spirit fall into. Our lives are full of cycles and they ebb and flow throughout our existence like the changing of seasons. The most obvious would be the rise and fall of the sun each day in relation to our daily routines. Our emotions are pushed and pulled over the course of a month by the gravitational pull of the moon. There is the cycles of our lives from birth to death. The seasons of the year each hold weight in our lives too. They often dictate what we feed our bodies, how we dress, and how we think, feel, or react. 

Autumn Equinox

We are coming upon the Autumn Equinox. This is the perfect balance between night and day when they each are of equal length. This balance is symbolic of the masculine/feminine forces that guide us, our inner and outer selves, the darkness and light within. All of these are in balance. But a period of perfect balance always comes right before times of transition. After the Autumn Equinox, the year begins to wane like the days after a full moon. We will soon begin to recede into ourselves as we nest into winter. This is a time to do inner work, and when Spring arrives, we will be ready to reflect outwardly. But until then, we celebrate the bounty Mother Earth has given us. We reap the benefit of our efforts these last 2 seasons. The harvest has come and we rest from our hard work before a long winter. 

Harvest Wreath


If you practice Intentional Cycles, you have made great effort to raise your vibration these last few months. You have used every opportunity to grow and develop like the plants we watered and nurtured in our garden. Now we collect our work and lay it out before us to enjoy. This bounty will get us through a long cold winter. Our hearts will be full and our fires hot. 


To celebrate this new season that’s upon us, spend as much time as you can outdoors. Go for long walks in nature and gather all the things that spark joy. Create your own cornucopia! A basket full of colorful leaves to decorate your table, handfuls of acorns, plucked flowers to adorn your hair. 


The Autumn Equinox is a time to clear out your space. You can do this in your home or in your mind. Shed what no longer serves you to make room for abundance of heart. Clean out your closet to make room for some new cozy sweaters. Shed bad habits you’ve been meaning to break. Out with the old, in with the new!


Plant the seeds for next year. Fall is the perfect time to start thinking about next Spring. Plant your fall bulbs and seeds in the ground and in your mind. Think about where you want to go next year, how you want to feel, what you want to do. Set your intentions now! Right them down and check in with them each season or each New Moon. 


Observe your bounty! Think about all you have done this last year. How have you changed? How have you grown? What have you accomplished? Read some old journal entries and write some new ones. Observe yourself, your habits, your routines. Be grateful for all you have and all you are.  

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